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Distinctive Unit Insignia

A gold color metal and enamel device 1 3/16 inches (3.02cm) in height overall, consisting of a heraldic fountain divided vertically and counter-colored below a red Greek cross in front of and extending above a maroon scroll between the inscription "ATLANTIC" and "TO PACIFIC" in gold letters.

Maroon and white are the colors used for the Army Medical Department. Red, white and blue are the National colors of the United States and the Republic of Panama. The fountain, heraldic symbol for water, refers to the Panama Canal. The cross represents aid and assistance; the divided fountain, a canal lock, and together they refer to the unit's historic location at Fort Clayton near the Miraflores Locks. The fountain also refers to the waters of the Panama Canal and is emblematic of health. It alludes to the unit's motto, and, with the red cross, represents the authority and responsibility for complete medical services throughout the Republic of Panama.

The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the U.S. Army Medical Department Activity - Canal Zone on 19 Apr 1976. It was redesignated for the U.S. Army Medical Department, Panama on 1 Oct 1979, with description and symbolism revised.

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